Monday, March 2, 2009

Curves are fun

I painted this image today. I'm still messing around with those brushes I got, though there seem to be only a handful that are really useful to me. I'm also attaching a quick image strip showing how curves can affect a painting. I absolutely love color, but I know I kind of suck at painting it and coming up with color palettes - so I've learned to embrace PS and its adjustment layer goodness. This may seem like an evil sin to some, but I've learned over the last 2 months of digital painting for work that it doesn't matter how it gets done (as long as it doesn't infringe on copyrights) just get it done good, and fast! Though I feel it is very important to watch what adjustment layers (in general) are doing and learn from them.

The top image in this strip was my original, though I will admit I had done a very similar curves layer halfway through or so. My image ended up being a mix of 2, 3 and 5. I'm not sure I made the right choice here, but I'm not too worried about it.


jgiambrone said...

man, kyle ur gonna have to send those brushes my way! nice stuff!

Kyle Van Meurs said...

Thanks :) and sure thing, just let me know what email to send em too.

jgiambrone said...

thanx for the feedback. i did model a high res version of both weapon and body and baked them down. some of the things didnt come out the way i intended. oh well, its a learning process. if you dont know my email its hope everything is well and keep up the great work!

Jillian LeNoble said...

Alright that's it, these paintings of yours are looking really kick ass. I want those brushes!