Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Website and other stuff

I realize I haven't posted much in the last week... I've worked a little on getting a website up and running [here]. It's still pretty simple and rough, but I had to get that rolling. It showed me that I don't have nearly enough art to actually put a portfolio together (that I'd be satisfied with). Consider that gallery temporary if you take a look. Also, any crits on web design would be good to hear... I know there is a small design glitch in IE - it doesn't kill the site but doesn't look quite how I want it to.

Aside from that, I decided to read The Fellowship of the Ring finally - awesome! I can't wait to read the other 2 if I feel like I have the time...

Next, I did a little drawing today. I'll probably enter some small mini comp on Gameartisans. The topic is pretty wide open 'strangers in a strange land'...

--- update

Monday, June 22, 2009

Sketches and Studies #7

Just having some fun and experimenting in Photoshop.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sketches and Studies #6

Well this image has its fair share of bad decisions, but I do like how some of the values and colors ended up. I hope you like it.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sketches and Studies #4

Heres another study/photograph copy.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sketches and Studies #3

Well this went a bit outside the bounds of being a quick sketch but heres another post at least. I would like to start working on a more subtle use of color... I think I get really carried away sometimes.

Just for fun, heres the drawing that sparked the image.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sketches and Studies #2

Worked on some more stuff today. I did quite a bit of drawing from Bridgman - which I'd post for the hell of it if I had a camera - as well as attempting some figure painting studies... I'm actually stealing this idea of painting MMA fighters from a very inspiring artist that I found (here). This guys studies worked for him, so I'm hoping they help me too!

I will note that it was contour traced (outside of figure only) and color sampled - I'm not trying to fool ya. I think the purpose of these will be to give me more knowledge of skin tones, lighting, and most importantly, attempt to make sense out of Bridgman's crazy drawings.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sketches and Studies #1

As I mentioned in my last post, I have decided to go back to learning from reference and books for a while. I realized my ventures in painting from my imagination were helping me find a technique and style, which is great, but I wasn't advancing my knowledge in anatomy, perspective, color, or lighting very much. That is my new goal for the next couple of months.

I've just barely been able to tap the books and review torso anatomy, but heres sketch #1 - I think its some kind of American Gladiator / super hero?