Sunday, March 2, 2008

A couple days ago, at a studio not so far away...

So on Friday after a trip to the Asian art museum for a class study, myself, Cassia and Jill were given the chance to go on a tour of ILM (Industrial Light and Magic, they are kind of a big deal) and Lucasarts, since they share the same building now in the Presidio of SF. The tour was given by a friend of Cassia's that works there, so thanks again Cassia and Kamel! Unfortunately we signed an NDA before going in so I can't really say much, but it was really cool to see one of the most famous visual effects houses in the industry. We got really lucky on the tour when we were invited to check out the art department of ILM by a passing supervisor (I think). Time wise this was a very small portion of the tour but REALLY cool. Anyways, heres a pic of us after the tour infront of the Yoda fountain. Thats Jill, Cassia and myself from left to right.

ILM hire me, thanks!


jgiambrone said...

damn you guys went ILM on friday! great for you sux for me.

Kyle Van Meurs said...

I'm pretty sure Cassia wants to go again Joe so you can probably go w/ at that point.